Office Hours
Mon – Fri: 8am to 5pm, Sat – Sun: Closed
*As of 08/21/23, we are no longer open on Saturdays.
Creekside Family Health Clinic provides a range of services including the diagnosis, treatment, medication, necessary follow-up, and counseling for a variety of common family illnesses, minor injuries, and routine medical care.
For Type I and II
Existing Patient: $225 (CPT: 99213)
New Patient: $275 (CPT: 99203)
Existing Patient: $325 (CPT: 99214)
New Patient: $375 (CPT: 99204)
Physical exam visits are used for health maintenance, women’s health, disease prevention, and occupational licensing (such as commercial driver licenses and Coast Guard licenses, and school sports physicals).
*1 Med prices may vary. Please call to confirm current pricing.
For Type I and II
Existing Patient: $160 (CPT: 99213)
New Patient: $210 (CPT: 99203)
Existing Patient: $230 (CPT: 99214)
New Patient: $270 (CPT: 99204)
Physical exam visits are used for health maintenance, women’s health, disease prevention, and occupational licensing (such as commercial driver licenses and Coast Guard licenses, and school sports physicals).
*1 Med prices may vary. Please call to confirm current pricing.
Frequently asked Questions
Lab tests are a useful tool for health screening and disease prevention. We offer a range of labs tests that can screen for a variety of health needs including general wellness, diabetes, liver function, STD’s, vitamin and iron deficiencies, and drug screening along with many others. Below, we’ve provided a list of commonly ordered labs and lab panels, along with a description of the tests and how they are used.
If you don’t see the lab test you want, we can prepare special orders from thousands of available tests.
Labs sold directly to patients are offered as screening tools only and are not intended for self-diagnosis.
If you are unsure which lab to order, we recommend that you make an appointment with your medical provider to discuss and diagnose your medical needs prior to ordering.
Lab tests at Creekside are available during regular clinic hours, on a walk-in basis, without an appointment.
Results for some tests can be prepared in as little as 15 minutes. Most lab results are ready in less than 48 hours.
You will receive a printed copy your test results and normal changes. If you would like additional interpretation of the results, it is recommended that you make an appointment with a licensed medical professional such as a nurse practitioner or physician. We will also be happy to report your results directly to you or to your medical provider in the manner you choose including via mail, e-mail, fax, or personal pick-up.
Creekside Family Health Clinic offers a variety of commonly ordered tests that screen for, and aid the maintenance of, a variety of health conditions. If you don’t see the lab you want, please contact the clinic to choose from hundreds of available tests.
Blood typing is the classification of red blood cells based on the inherited presence or absence of particular cell proteins.
The best reason to know your blood type is so that you can give and receive compatible blood.
Your results are permanent and should be added to your medical record.
A Complete Blood Count or CBC can provide you a good “snapshot” of your health and is a standard part of an annual exam. This test gives important information about the characteristics, kind and the number of cells in your blood including red cells, white cells, and platelets. Health providers use this information to diagnose and treat symptomatic conditions or to screen for conditions in which symptoms have not yet developed.
If your results are abnormal or out-of-range from the normal, please contact a health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory test should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
A Comprehensive Metabolic Panel is a panel of 14 blood tests that measures sugar level, electrolyte and fluid balance, kidney function, and liver function. The comprehensive metabolic panel is used as a broad screening tool to evaluate organ function and check for conditions such as diabetes, liver disease, and kidney disease.
The CMP is routinely ordered as part of a blood work-up for a medical exam or yearly physical. It is also routinely administered to monitor the status of patient with a history of chronic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus or hypertension.
If your results are abnormal or out-of-range from the normal, please contact a health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory test should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
The FIT test detects non-visible blood in the stool. It is a much more sensitive and accurate test than the previously used GUIAC stool cards.
The FIT test is a non-invasive screen for gastro-intestinal disease including colo-rectal cancer. Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in the United States. The American Cancer Society (ACS) estimates nearly 150,000 men and women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with colorectal cancer this year. Patients aged 50 or older, with no personal or family history of colorectal cancer should consider, as one of their screening options, annual screening with a FIT test for this disease.
If your results are abnormal or out-of-range from the normal, please contact a health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory test should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
A ferritin blood test checks the amount of ferritin in the blood. Ferritin enables your red blood cells (hemoglobin) to bind to iron and carry oxygen throughout your body.
A ferritin test is routinely done for evaluation and treatment of fatigue, and other chronic medical conditions such as diabetes and kidney disease.
If your results are ‘abnormal’ or ‘out-of-range’ from the normal, please contact a health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory test should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
$218 (breath) | $192 (stool)
H. Pylori is a bacterium found in your stomach that can cause ulcers, heartburn and even stomach cancer.
Abdominal pains, indigestion, nausea, heartburn, are sometimes symptoms of an infection by H. pylori. If you test positive for H. pylori, your nurse practitioner or physician can treat this condition with antibiotics.
If your results are abnormal or out-of-range from the normal, please contact a health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory test should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
A human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) test detects antibodies to HIV. This determines whether an HIV infection is present (HIV-positive). HIV infects white blood cells called CD4+ cells, which are part of the body’s immune system that help fight infections. HIV causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), a long-term chronic disease that can be fatal.
After the original infection, it takes between 2 weeks and 6 months for antibodies to HIV to appear in the blood. The period between becoming infected with HIV and the point at which antibodies to HIV can be detected in the blood is called the seroconversion or “window” period. During this period, an HIV-infected person can still spread the disease, even though a test will not detect any antibodies in his or her blood.
If you have tested positive for HIV, you should see your primary care physician for a referral to an Infectious Disease physician or seek information from your local health department.
An iron study checks the amount of iron in the blood and how well it is being utilized in the body. Iron enables the red blood cell protein, hemoglobin, to carry oxygen to all parts of the body.
About 70% of the body’s iron is bound to hemoglobin in red blood cells. The rest is bound to other proteins (transferrin in blood or ferritin in bone marrow) or stored in other body tissues. When red blood cells die, their iron is released and carried by transferrin to the bone marrow and other organs such as the liver and spleen. In the bone marrow, iron is stored and used as needed to make new red blood cells.
To help diagnose and treat the cause of fatigue and other chronic medical conditions such as diabetes, liver, gastro-intestinal, and kidney disease. The source of all the body’s iron is food, such as liver and other meat, eggs, fish, and leafy green vegetables. The body needs more iron at times of growth (such as during adolescence), for pregnancy, during breast-feeding, or at times when there are low levels of iron in the body (such as after bleeding).
If your results are abnormal or out-of-range from the normal, please contact a health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory test should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
This test measures the level of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in men. Elevations of PSA may indicate prostate disease such as benign hypertrophy or cancer. These conditions may produce mild or no symptoms. Having this test does not eliminate the need for rectal evaluation of the prostate gland nor does the rectal exam eliminate the need for a PSA test.
If your results are abnormal or out-of-range from the normal, please contact a health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory test should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
The Prothrombin time (PT/INR) is a blood test that measures how long it takes blood to clot.
The PT/INR test is used to check the blood clotting time in people who have: excessive bruising; rectal bleeding; gum bleeding; anti-coagulant or blood thinning medications; certain chronic medications or medical conditions; signs, symptoms, or history of blood clots (thrombophlebitis) in vessels or organs; or fatigue.
The PT/INR is also used to monitor whether medicine used to prevent blood clots is working. An abnormal PT/INR test may be a sign of liver disease or injury or indicate the need to adjust the dosage of blood thinner (anti-coagulation) medicine.
If your results are abnormal or out-of-range from the normal, please contact a health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory test should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
A thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) blood test is used to check for thyroid gland problems.
A TSH test is done to: find out whether the thyroid gland is working properly. An underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism) can cause symptoms such as depression, weight gain, fatigue, dry skin, constipation, a feeling of being too cold, or heavy menstrual periods. An overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) can cause symptoms such as hair and skin changes, concentration problems, weight loss, rapid heart rate, anxiety, insomnia, shakiness, diarrhea, a feeling of being too hot, or irregular menstrual periods.
If your results are abnormal or out-of-range from the normal, please contact a health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory test should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
Vitamin D supports the function of all cells most notable skin, bone, muscle, and blood cells. Vitamin D, also known as the “Sunshine Vitamin”, is responsible for the processing of calcium for strong bones. It can be found in fortified foods such as milk, cheese, grains and in food such as eggs, wild Alaskan salmon, fish, and fish liver oil. Supplements can provide additional vitamin D but the sun is required to activate Vitamin D functions. Symptoms of low Vitamin D levels are more common in northern or non-sunny climates.
Symptoms of low Vitamin D levels are more common in northern or non-sunny climates. Symptoms of low vitamin D may include fatigue, depression, muscle pain, or spasm, joint pain, delayed healing and numbness, or tingling sensations. Vitamin D insufficiency may also contribute to developing conditions such as diabetes and osteoporosis. Researchers are increasingly recommending a year-round level of 50 ng/ml as the minimum acceptable level in children and adult, especially during non-sunny seasons or climates.
If your results are abnormal or out-of-range from the normal, please contact a health care provider to discuss getting a prescription of a Vitamin D supplement. The interpretation of any laboratory test should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
Creekside Family Health Clinic offers eight different rapid labs. These commonly ordered tests screen for, and aid the prevention of, health conditions including diabetes, high cholesterol, liver function, kidney function, and urinary infections. Results for these tests are typically available within 15 minutes or less and only require a finger stick drop of blood or small urine sample.
Used to determine the person’s average blood sugar level over the past three months. It also shows if a person’s blood sugar level is generally normal, or too high. A normal A1C can lower the chances for serious eye, kidney and nerve disease in people with diabetes. The American Diabetes Association recommends that individuals with diabetes undergo this test every three to six months. If your results are ‘abnormal’ or ‘out-of-range’ from the normal, please contact a health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory test should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
ALT/AST’s are enzymes made in the liver. The liver uses these enzymes to metabolize amino acids and make proteins. When liver cells are damaged, ALT/AST levels rise in the bloodstream.
Many different things can cause liver enzymes to rise above normal levels. Individuals should consider this test if they have symptoms of, or a history of, liver disease, obesity, chronic medication or alcohol use.
If your results are ‘abnormal’ or ‘out-of-range’ from the normal, please contact a health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory test should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
A blood glucose test measures the amount of a type of sugar, called glucose, in your blood at the time of testing.
A blood glucose test is an accurate way to measure your blood sugar level at the time of testing. If you have diabetes, testing your blood glucose levels provides information for better control and prevention of complications.
Blood sugar testing also may be used to: screen for diagnosis of diabetes, determine an initial insulin dose and schedule or to adjust the insulin doses or schedule, test blood sugar levels in people who have symptoms of high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) or low blood sugar (hypoglycemia).
If your results are ‘abnormal’ or ‘out-of-range’ from the normal, please contact a health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory test should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
This urine test is capable of detecting human chorionic gonadotropin or hCG (a hormone present in women’s urine during pregnancy).
The interpretation of any laboratory test should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
Cholesterol and triglycerides are molecules needed for cell structures and functions. Abnormal levels of cholesterol and triglycerides are associated with various diseases, most notably hypertension, coronary artery disease, and stroke.
Fasting for 12 hours prior to this test (eating nothing and drinking only water) is required for accurate results.
Measuring levels of triglycerides and two types of cholesterol, LDL and HDL, is very helpful in determining risks of blood vessel disease and related problems such as high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke. Normal levels can be regained with medical advice and treatment.
If your results are out of normal range, please contact your health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory tests should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
Mononucleosis is a viral infection caused by the Epstein Barr virus and is common in adolescents and young adults. Oftentimes, there are no symptoms, but others feel tired, feverish, have a sore throat, etc. If you feel poorly and you just don’t know why, you might have mononucleosis (mono). Find out now because mono can keep you out of commission for weeks and sometimes longer. At some locations, a Mononucleosis Rapid Result Screen is available. It’s an instant test that will tell you “yes” or “no” in less than 10 minutes.
If your results are out of normal range, please contact your health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory tests should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
The Urine Micro-Albumin and A/C Ratio detects very early signs of kidney disease.
The Urine Micro-Albumin and A/C Ration are recommended by the American Diabetes Association annually for individuals with Diabetes. Your health care provider may determine that the test should be administered more often.
If your results are ‘abnormal’ or ‘out-of-range’ from the normal, please contact a health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory test should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
The Strep A Rapid Result Screen is an instant test that tells if you within 10 minutes if you have Strep Throat (Streptococcus A antibody). Streptococcus A is the bacterium that causes strep throat – which has symptoms of a sore throat, fever, and others. Without treatment, strep throat could cause other medical problems.
If your results are out of normal range, please contact your health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory tests should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
The Urinalysis tests for urine ph, concentration, amounts of glucose, protein, ketones, bilirubin, blood, and other characteristics and contents.
A UA is typically included in a routine physical exam. In addition, a person might consider ordering a UA:
To screen for a disease or infection of the urinary tract. Symptoms that may include discolored or foul-smelling urine, pain during urination, difficulty urinating, flank pain, or fever.
To monitor the treatment of certain conditions, such as diabetes, kidney stones, urinary tract infection, or some types of kidney or liver disease.
If your results are ‘abnormal’ or ‘out-of-range’ from the normal, please contact a health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory test should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
It tests for evidence of recent cocaine, marijuana, opiate, amphetamine, phencyclidine, benzodiazepine, barbiturate, ecstasy, propoxyphene, oxycodone, and tricyclic antidepressants use.
To determine recent usage of substances listed above. Note: This test is intended for personal use only and is not intended for use by employers for personnel management.
Positive results indicate recent usage of substances listed above. More specific levels or detection of additional substances presence may be ordered through other individuals tests.
Creekside Family Health Clinic offers a variety of commonly ordered tests that screen for, and aid the maintenance of, a variety of health conditions. If you don’t see the lab you want, please contact the clinic to choose from hundreds of available tests.
Blood typing is the classification of red blood cells based on the inherited presence or absence of particular cell proteins.
The best reason to know your blood type is so that you can give and receive compatible blood.
Your results are permanent and should be added to your medical record.
A Complete Blood Count or CBC can provide you a good “snapshot” of your health and is a standard part of an annual exam. This test gives important information about the characteristics, kind and the number of cells in your blood including red cells, white cells, and platelets. Health providers use this information to diagnose and treat symptomatic conditions or to screen for conditions in which symptoms have not yet developed.
If your results are abnormal or out-of-range from the normal, please contact a health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory test should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
A Comprehensive Metabolic Panel is a panel of 14 blood tests that measures sugar level, electrolyte and fluid balance, kidney function, and liver function. The comprehensive metabolic panel is used as a broad screening tool to evaluate organ function and check for conditions such as diabetes, liver disease, and kidney disease.
The CMP is routinely ordered as part of a blood work-up for a medical exam or yearly physical. It is also routinely administered to monitor the status of patient with a history of chronic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus or hypertension.
If your results are abnormal or out-of-range from the normal, please contact a health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory test should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
The FIT test detects non-visible blood in the stool. It is a much more sensitive and accurate test than the previously used GUIAC stool cards.
The FIT test is a non-invasive screen for gastro-intestinal disease including colo-rectal cancer. Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in the United States. The American Cancer Society (ACS) estimates nearly 150,000 men and women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with colorectal cancer this year. Patients aged 50 or older, with no personal or family history of colorectal cancer should consider, as one of their screening options, annual screening with a FIT test for this disease.
If your results are abnormal or out-of-range from the normal, please contact a health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory test should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
A ferritin blood test checks the amount of ferritin in the blood. Ferritin enables your red blood cells (hemoglobin) to bind to iron and carry oxygen throughout your body.
A ferritin test is routinely done for evaluation and treatment of fatigue, and other chronic medical conditions such as diabetes and kidney disease.
If your results are ‘abnormal’ or ‘out-of-range’ from the normal, please contact a health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory test should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
$218 (breath) | $192 (stool)
H. Pylori is a bacterium found in your stomach that can cause ulcers, heartburn and even stomach cancer.
Abdominal pains, indigestion, nausea, heartburn, are sometimes symptoms of an infection by H. pylori. If you test positive for H. pylori, your nurse practitioner or physician can treat this condition with antibiotics.
If your results are abnormal or out-of-range from the normal, please contact a health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory test should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
A human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) test detects antibodies to HIV. This determines whether an HIV infection is present (HIV-positive). HIV infects white blood cells called CD4+ cells, which are part of the body’s immune system that help fight infections. HIV causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), a long-term chronic disease that can be fatal.
After the original infection, it takes between 2 weeks and 6 months for antibodies to HIV to appear in the blood. The period between becoming infected with HIV and the point at which antibodies to HIV can be detected in the blood is called the seroconversion or “window” period. During this period, an HIV-infected person can still spread the disease, even though a test will not detect any antibodies in his or her blood.
If you have tested positive for HIV, you should see your primary care physician for a referral to an Infectious Disease physician or seek information from your local health department.
An iron study checks the amount of iron in the blood and how well it is being utilized in the body. Iron enables the red blood cell protein, hemoglobin, to carry oxygen to all parts of the body.
About 70% of the body’s iron is bound to hemoglobin in red blood cells. The rest is bound to other proteins (transferrin in blood or ferritin in bone marrow) or stored in other body tissues. When red blood cells die, their iron is released and carried by transferrin to the bone marrow and other organs such as the liver and spleen. In the bone marrow, iron is stored and used as needed to make new red blood cells.
To help diagnose and treat the cause of fatigue and other chronic medical conditions such as diabetes, liver, gastro-intestinal, and kidney disease. The source of all the body’s iron is food, such as liver and other meat, eggs, fish, and leafy green vegetables. The body needs more iron at times of growth (such as during adolescence), for pregnancy, during breast-feeding, or at times when there are low levels of iron in the body (such as after bleeding).
If your results are abnormal or out-of-range from the normal, please contact a health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory test should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
This test measures the level of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in men. Elevations of PSA may indicate prostate disease such as benign hypertrophy or cancer. These conditions may produce mild or no symptoms. Having this test does not eliminate the need for rectal evaluation of the prostate gland nor does the rectal exam eliminate the need for a PSA test.
If your results are abnormal or out-of-range from the normal, please contact a health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory test should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
The Prothrombin time (PT/INR) is a blood test that measures how long it takes blood to clot.
The PT/INR test is used to check the blood clotting time in people who have: excessive bruising; rectal bleeding; gum bleeding; anti-coagulant or blood thinning medications; certain chronic medications or medical conditions; signs, symptoms, or history of blood clots (thrombophlebitis) in vessels or organs; or fatigue.
The PT/INR is also used to monitor whether medicine used to prevent blood clots is working. An abnormal PT/INR test may be a sign of liver disease or injury or indicate the need to adjust the dosage of blood thinner (anti-coagulation) medicine.
If your results are abnormal or out-of-range from the normal, please contact a health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory test should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
A thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) blood test is used to check for thyroid gland problems.
A TSH test is done to: find out whether the thyroid gland is working properly. An underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism) can cause symptoms such as depression, weight gain, fatigue, dry skin, constipation, a feeling of being too cold, or heavy menstrual periods. An overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) can cause symptoms such as hair and skin changes, concentration problems, weight loss, rapid heart rate, anxiety, insomnia, shakiness, diarrhea, a feeling of being too hot, or irregular menstrual periods.
If your results are abnormal or out-of-range from the normal, please contact a health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory test should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
Vitamin D supports the function of all cells most notable skin, bone, muscle, and blood cells. Vitamin D, also known as the “Sunshine Vitamin”, is responsible for the processing of calcium for strong bones. It can be found in fortified foods such as milk, cheese, grains and in food such as eggs, wild Alaskan salmon, fish, and fish liver oil. Supplements can provide additional vitamin D but the sun is required to activate Vitamin D functions. Symptoms of low Vitamin D levels are more common in northern or non-sunny climates.
Symptoms of low Vitamin D levels are more common in northern or non-sunny climates. Symptoms of low vitamin D may include fatigue, depression, muscle pain, or spasm, joint pain, delayed healing and numbness, or tingling sensations. Vitamin D insufficiency may also contribute to developing conditions such as diabetes and osteoporosis. Researchers are increasingly recommending a year-round level of 50 ng/ml as the minimum acceptable level in children and adult, especially during non-sunny seasons or climates.
If your results are abnormal or out-of-range from the normal, please contact a health care provider to discuss getting a prescription of a Vitamin D supplement. The interpretation of any laboratory test should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
Creekside Family Health Clinic offers eight different rapid labs. These commonly ordered tests screen for, and aid the prevention of, health conditions including diabetes, high cholesterol, liver function, kidney function, and urinary infections. Results for these tests are typically available within 15 minutes or less and only require a finger stick drop of blood or small urine sample.
Used to determine the person’s average blood sugar level over the past three months. It also shows if a person’s blood sugar level is generally normal, or too high. A normal A1C can lower the chances for serious eye, kidney and nerve disease in people with diabetes. The American Diabetes Association recommends that individuals with diabetes undergo this test every three to six months. If your results are ‘abnormal’ or ‘out-of-range’ from the normal, please contact a health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory test should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
ALT/AST’s are enzymes made in the liver. The liver uses these enzymes to metabolize amino acids and make proteins. When liver cells are damaged, ALT/AST levels rise in the bloodstream.
Many different things can cause liver enzymes to rise above normal levels. Individuals should consider this test if they have symptoms of, or a history of, liver disease, obesity, chronic medication or alcohol use.
If your results are ‘abnormal’ or ‘out-of-range’ from the normal, please contact a health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory test should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
A blood glucose test measures the amount of a type of sugar, called glucose, in your blood at the time of testing.
A blood glucose test is an accurate way to measure your blood sugar level at the time of testing. If you have diabetes, testing your blood glucose levels provides information for better control and prevention of complications.
Blood sugar testing also may be used to: screen for diagnosis of diabetes, determine an initial insulin dose and schedule or to adjust the insulin doses or schedule, test blood sugar levels in people who have symptoms of high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) or low blood sugar (hypoglycemia).
If your results are ‘abnormal’ or ‘out-of-range’ from the normal, please contact a health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory test should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
This urine test is capable of detecting human chorionic gonadotropin or hCG (a hormone present in women’s urine during pregnancy).
The interpretation of any laboratory test should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
Cholesterol and triglycerides are molecules needed for cell structures and functions. Abnormal levels of cholesterol and triglycerides are associated with various diseases, most notably hypertension, coronary artery disease, and stroke.
Fasting for 12 hours prior to this test (eating nothing and drinking only water) is required for accurate results.
Measuring levels of triglycerides and two types of cholesterol, LDL and HDL, is very helpful in determining risks of blood vessel disease and related problems such as high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke. Normal levels can be regained with medical advice and treatment.
If your results are out of normal range, please contact your health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory tests should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
Mononucleosis is a viral infection caused by the Epstein Barr virus and is common in adolescents and young adults. Oftentimes, there are no symptoms, but others feel tired, feverish, have a sore throat, etc. If you feel poorly and you just don’t know why, you might have mononucleosis (mono). Find out now because mono can keep you out of commission for weeks and sometimes longer. At some locations, a Mononucleosis Rapid Result Screen is available. It’s an instant test that will tell you “yes” or “no” in less than 10 minutes.
If your results are out of normal range, please contact your health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory tests should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
The Urine Micro-Albumin and A/C Ratio detects very early signs of kidney disease.
The Urine Micro-Albumin and A/C Ration are recommended by the American Diabetes Association annually for individuals with Diabetes. Your health care provider may determine that the test should be administered more often.
If your results are ‘abnormal’ or ‘out-of-range’ from the normal, please contact a health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory test should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
The Strep A Rapid Result Screen is an instant test that tells if you within 10 minutes if you have Strep Throat (Streptococcus A antibody). Streptococcus A is the bacterium that causes strep throat – which has symptoms of a sore throat, fever, and others. Without treatment, strep throat could cause other medical problems.
If your results are out of normal range, please contact your health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory tests should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
The Urinalysis tests for urine ph, concentration, amounts of glucose, protein, ketones, bilirubin, blood, and other characteristics and contents.
A UA is typically included in a routine physical exam. In addition, a person might consider ordering a UA:
To screen for a disease or infection of the urinary tract. Symptoms that may include discolored or foul-smelling urine, pain during urination, difficulty urinating, flank pain, or fever.
To monitor the treatment of certain conditions, such as diabetes, kidney stones, urinary tract infection, or some types of kidney or liver disease.
If your results are ‘abnormal’ or ‘out-of-range’ from the normal, please contact a health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory test should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
It tests for evidence of recent cocaine, marijuana, opiate, amphetamine, phencyclidine, benzodiazepine, barbiturate, ecstasy, propoxyphene, oxycodone, and tricyclic antidepressants use.
To determine recent usage of substances listed above. Note: This test is intended for personal use only and is not intended for use by employers for personnel management.
Positive results indicate recent usage of substances listed above. More specific levels or detection of additional substances presence may be ordered through other individuals tests.
Creekside Family Health Clinic has assembled some commonly ordered lab panels that are a part of routine health maintenance and screening. If you don’t see the lab panel you want, please contact the clinic and we’d be happy to order a custom panel for you from hundreds of different labs.
The comprehensive female panel includes a CMP, CBC, Fasting Lipid Profile, TSH, Iron, TIBC, Ferritin, Vitamin D25, and Vitamin B-12/Folate. Peri-menopausal women may ask about adding a test to check for hormone or DHEA levels.
This specific panel of tests is an important part of yearly health maintenance for women.
If your results are abnormal or out-of-range from the normal, please contact a health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory test should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
The comprehensive male panel includes a CMP, CBC, Fasting Lipid Profile, TSH, PSA, and Vitamin D25. Older men may also consider checking their testosterone levels.
This specific panel of tests is an important part of yearly health maintenance for men.
If your results are abnormal or out-of-range from the normal, please contact a health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory test should be made only
The ImmunoCAP Respiratory Allergy Profile provides an accurate and convenient method of confirming or excluding atopy in patients with allergy-like symptoms. It measures allergens typically present in the Pacific Northwest.
In the United States, half of all chronic rhinitis cases are caused by allergies. These cases require different treatment than that used for non-allergic rhinitis. Furthermore, allergy testing helps identify the 60% of asthmatics whose asthma is triggered by allergies. Managing the allergy is often beneficial in these cases. Thus, allergy testing results can be helpful when making treatment decisions. Because different types of allergens are found in different parts of the country, tests focus on allergens specific to that region. This test is based upon regional allergens found in Western Washington, Oregon, and Northern California.
If your results are abnormal or out-of-range from the normal, please contact a health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory test should be made only by a licensed nurse
The ImmunoCAP Respiratory Allergy Profile provides an accurate and convenient method of confirming or excluding atopy in patients with allergy-like symptoms. It measures allergic reaction to Cat dander, Cockroach, Common pigweed, Common silver birch, Dog dander, Grey alder, House dust mite (D. farinae), House dust mite (D. pteronyssinus), Maple box-elder, Mold (Alternaria alternata), Mold (Aspergillus fumigatus), Mold (Cladosporium herbarum), Oak, Saltwort, Russian thistle, Timothy grass, Walnut, Western ragweed, and Total IgE. You may also consider requesting additional testing for specific allergens.
In the United States, half of all chronic rhinitis cases are caused by allergies. These cases require different treatment than that used for non-allergic rhinitis. Furthermore, allergy testing helps identify the 60% of asthmatics whose asthma is triggered by allergies. Managing the allergy is often beneficial in these cases. Thus, allergy testing results can be helpful when making treatment decisions. Because different types of allergens are found in different parts of the country, tests focus on allergens specific to that region. This test is based upon regional allergens found in Western Washington, Oregon, and Northern California.
If your results are abnormal or out-of-range from the normal, please contact a health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory test should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
The Food Allergy Profile provides a rapid and convenient measurement of food specific IgE antibodies. The profile includes allergens associated with common food allergies and is useful in confirming or excluding suspected food allergies. Results can help direct subsequent testing and management options, including trial elimination diet, oral food challenge, and further evaluation of non-IgE-related reactions. This test includes 12 ImmunoCAP specific IgE allergens: clam, cod fish, corn (maize), egg white, milk, peanut, scallop†, sesame seed, shrimp, soybean, walnut, and wheat.
The accurate diagnosis of food allergy is important not only for avoidance of foods that may cause a reaction, but also to avoid unnecessary dietary restrictions that may adversely affect the quality of life. Diagnosis of food allergies begins with an assessment of clinical history and physical examination to evaluate respiratory and gastrointestinal symptoms. When findings are consistent with an IgE antibody-mediated food reaction, food-specific IgE testing is performed with in vitro or in vivo tests. In vitro testing is particularly useful in patients at risk of severe anaphylactic reactions from skin-prick testing and others with medical conditions that contraindicate in vivo testing.
If your results are abnormal or out-of-range from the normal, please contact a health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory test should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
The panel includes A1c, lipid profile, CMP, CBC, Vitamin D, TSH, Vitamin B-12/Folate, UA with microalbumin, Iron Study, and Ferritin.
This specific panel of tests is an important part of yearly comprehensive health maintenance. It is also an important panel for the effective management of patients with diabetes.
If your results are abnormal or out-of-range from the normal, please contact a health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory test should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
The thyroid panel tests for TSH, T3 Free, and T4 Free to help evaluate thyroid gland function and to help diagnose thyroid disorders. The tests included in a thyroid panel measure the amount of thyroid hormones in your blood. These hormones are chemical substances that travel through the bloodstream and control or regulate your body’s metabolism—how it functions and uses energy.
TSH is produced by the pituitary gland and is part of the body’s feedback system to maintain stable amounts of the thyroid hormones T4 and T3 in the blood. When concentrations fluctuate in the blood, the pituitary is stimulated to release more or less TSH. The TSH, in turn, stimulates the increased or decreased production and release of T4 and T3. When the system is functioning normally, thyroid production turns on and off to maintain constant blood thyroid hormone levels.
If your results are abnormal or out-of-range from the normal, please contact a health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory test should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
The Strep A Rapid Result Screen is an instant test that tells if you within 10 minutes if you have Strep Throat (Streptococcus A antibody). Streptococcus A is the bacterium that causes strep throat – which has symptoms of a sore throat, fever, and others. Without treatment, strep throat could cause other medical problems.
If your results are out of normal range, please contact your health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory tests should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
The Urinanlysis tests for urine ph, concentration, amounts of glucose, protein, ketones, bilirubin, blood, and other characteristics and contents.
A UA is typically included in a routine physical exam. In addition, a person might consider ordering a UA:
To screen for a disease or infection of the urinary tract. Symptoms that may include discolored or foul-smelling urine, pain during urination, difficulty urinating, flank pain, or fever.
To monitor the treatment of certain conditions, such as diabetes, kidney stones, urinary tract infection, or some types of kidney or liver disease.
If your results are ‘abnormal’ or ‘out-of-range’ from the normal, please contact a health care provider. The interpretation of any laboratory test should be made only by a licensed nurse practitioner or physician.
It tests for evidence of recent cocaine, marijuana, opiate, amphetamine, phencyclidine, benzodiazepine, barbiturate, ecstasy, propoxyphene, oxycodone, and tricyclic antidepressants use.
To determine recent usage of substances listed above. Note: This test is intended for personal use only and is not intended for use by employers for personnel management.
Positive results indicate recent usage of substances listed above. More specific levels or detection of additional substances presence may be ordered through other individuals tests.